71 research outputs found

    Generating Missions and Spaces for Adaptable Play Experiences

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    Easy and Rapid Purification of Highly Active Nisin

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    Nisin is an antimicrobial peptide produced and secreted by several L. lactis strains and is specifically active against Gram-positive bacteria. In previous studies, nisin was purified via cation exchange chromatography at low pH employing a single-step elution using 1 M NaCl. Here, we describe an optimized purification protocol using a five-step NaCl elution to remove contaminants. The obtained nisin is devoid of impurities and shows high bactericidal activity against the nisin-sensitive L. lactis strain NZ9000. Purified nisin exhibits an IC50 of ~3 nM, which is a tenfold improvement as compared to nisin obtained via the one-step elution procedure

    Prediction of postoperative patient deterioration and unanticipated intensive care unit admission using perioperative factors

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Currently, no evidence-based criteria exist for decision making in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU). This could be valuable for the allocation of postoperative patients to the appropriate level of care and beneficial for patient outcomes such as unanticipated intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. The aim is to assess whether the inclusion of intra- and postoperative factors improves the prediction of postoperative patient deterioration and unanticipated ICU admissions. METHODS: A retrospective observational cohort study was performed between January 2013 and December 2017 in a tertiary Dutch hospital. All patients undergoing surgery in the study period were selected. Cardiothoracic surgeries, obstetric surgeries, catheterization lab procedures, electroconvulsive therapy, day care procedures, intravenous line interventions and patients under the age of 18 years were excluded. The primary outcome was unanticipated ICU admission. RESULTS: An unanticipated ICU admission complicated the recovery of 223 (0.9%) patients. These patients had higher hospital mortality rates (13.9% versus 0.2%, p&lt;0.001). Multivariable analysis resulted in predictors of unanticipated ICU admissions consisting of age, body mass index, general anesthesia in combination with epidural anesthesia, preoperative score, diabetes, administration of vasopressors, erythrocytes, duration of surgery and post anesthesia care unit stay, and vital parameters such as heart rate and oxygen saturation. The receiver operating characteristic curve of this model resulted in an area under the curve of 0.86 (95% CI 0.83-0.88). CONCLUSIONS: The prediction of unanticipated ICU admissions from electronic medical record data improved when the intra- and early postoperative factors were combined with preoperative patient factors. This emphasizes the need for clinical decision support tools in post anesthesia care units with regard to postoperative patient allocation.</p

    A cross-sectional study on gaming intensity and social vulnerability in adolescents that have a chronic condition

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    BackgroundAdolescents growing up with a chronic condition might experience more social vulnerabilities compared to their healthy peers as an indirect result of their conditions. This can lead to a relatedness need frustration for these adolescents. Consequently, they might spend more time playing video games compared to their peers. Research shows that both social vulnerability and gaming intensity are predictors for problematic gaming. Therefore, we investigated if social vulnerability and gaming intensity are more pronounced in adolescents that have a chronic condition compared to the general population; and if these levels reflect the levels of a clinical group being treated for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD).MethodsData on peer problems and gaming intensity were compared from three separate samples: a national representative sample of adolescents, a clinical sample of adolescents that are undergoing treatment for IGD, and a sample of adolescents diagnosed with a chronic condition.ResultsNo differences were found on either peer problems or gaming intensity between the group of adolescents that have chronic conditions and the national representative group. The group with chronic conditions scored significantly lower on gaming intensity than the clinical group. No significant differences were found between these groups on peer problems. We repeated the analyses for boys only. Similar results were found for the group with chronic conditions compared to the national representative group. The group with chronic conditions now scored significantly lower on both peer problems and gaming intensity than the clinical group.ConclusionAdolescents growing up with a chronic condition appear similar in their gaming intensity and peer problems compared to their healthy peers

    A cross-sectional study on gaming intensity and social vulnerability in adolescents that have a chronic condition

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    BACKGROUND: Adolescents growing up with a chronic condition might experience more social vulnerabilities compared to their healthy peers as an indirect result of their conditions. This can lead to a relatedness need frustration for these adolescents. Consequently, they might spend more time playing video games compared to their peers. Research shows that both social vulnerability and gaming intensity are predictors for problematic gaming. Therefore, we investigated if social vulnerability and gaming intensity are more pronounced in adolescents that have a chronic condition compared to the general population; and if these levels reflect the levels of a clinical group being treated for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). METHODS: Data on peer problems and gaming intensity were compared from three separate samples: a national representative sample of adolescents, a clinical sample of adolescents that are undergoing treatment for IGD, and a sample of adolescents diagnosed with a chronic condition. RESULTS: No differences were found on either peer problems or gaming intensity between the group of adolescents that have chronic conditions and the national representative group. The group with chronic conditions scored significantly lower on gaming intensity than the clinical group. No significant differences were found between these groups on peer problems. We repeated the analyses for boys only. Similar results were found for the group with chronic conditions compared to the national representative group. The group with chronic conditions now scored significantly lower on both peer problems and gaming intensity than the clinical group. CONCLUSION: Adolescents growing up with a chronic condition appear similar in their gaming intensity and peer problems compared to their healthy peers

    A reconfigurable array processor

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    Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 1996.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation reports on an investigation of the trade-off of the properties of presently available fixed and reconfigurable logic to find an optimal use for both types of logic in a typical engineering application. The research vehicle is a 32 bit floating point matrix-vector array processor. The system named MIX is designed, simulated, built and tested and the results are evaluated. Simulation and synthesis tools are used to extensively and a firm base for further research is established. State machines are implemented with a shift register technique developed earlier by the author. The results prove that fixed logic is most suited for subsystems such as memories and floating point units where reconfiguration is not necessarily required, but high logic density and speed are essential. Reconfigurable logic proves most useful for control functions and simple data manipulation. Delays resulting form the routing of data through the reconfigurable logic, as hidden by using pipeline techniques. It is proven that the performance of a mixed logic system approaches that of a pure fixed logic implementation, if the design allows the overlap of the execution of functions in the fixed and reconfigurable subsystems.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling rapporteer oor 'n ondersoek van die afspeel van die eienskappe van huidig beskikbare vast en herkonfigureerbare logika om 'n optimale gebruik te vind vir beide tipe logika in 'n tipiese ingenieurs toepassing. Die voertuig vir die navorsing is 'n 32 bis wisselpunt matriks-vektor verwerker. Die MIX stelsel is ontwerp, gesimuleer, gebou en die resultate geevalueer. Simulasie en sintese gereedskap word vryelik gebruik en 'n ferm basis vir verder navorsing is geskep. Toestandmasjiene is met 'n skuifregistertegniek, wat vroeër deur die skrywer ontwikkel is, geïmplimenteer. Die resultate bewys dat vast logika mees geskik is vir substelsels, soos geheue en wisselpuntverwerkers, waar herkonfigurasie nie noodwendig benodig word nie maar hoe digtheid en spoed essensieël is. Herkonfiguureerbare logika is mees bruikbaar vir beheer en eenvoudige data manupilasie funksies. Die vertraging a.g.v. die roetering van data deur herkonfigureerbare logika, word versteek deur van pyplyn tegnieke gerbuik te maak. Dit word bewys dat die werkverrigting van 'n stelsel, met 'n mengsel van vaste en herkonfigureerbare logika, die van die stelsel met slegs vaste logika benader, indien die ontwerp toelaat dat uitvoering van funksies in die vaste en herkonfigureerbare substelsels in tyd oorvleuel.Doctora

    De GEO-3 Scenario's 2002-2032 Quantificering en analyse van de milieugevolgen

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    The four contrasting visions of the world's next three decades as presented in the third Global Environment Outlook (GEO-3) have many implications for policy - from hunger to climate change and from freshwater issues to biodiversity. The four scenarios analysed are Markets First, Policy First, Security First, Sustainability First. Presenting a deeper analysis than the original GEO-3 report, this Technical Report quantifies the impacts of the scenarios for all 19 GEO 'sub-regions', such as Eastern Africa and Central Europe. Regional impacts are discussed in the context of sustainable development. The report summary compares the impacts of the four scenarios across regions - and for the world as a whole - in the light of internationally agreed targets including those in the Millennium Declaration where applicable. It provides an account of the analytical methods, key assumptions, models and other tools, along with the approaches used in the analyses. Based on the methods and results, the report looks back on the process of producing the forward-looking analysis for GEO-3. Were all analytical centres on the same track? Did the approach adopted for GEO-3 contribute to the overall GEO objective of strengthening global-regional involvement and linkages?De vier contrasterende toekomstbeelden die zijn gepresenteerd in de derde Global Environment Outlook (GEO-3) houden grote verschillen in voor de beleidsopgaven van de komende dertig jaar - varierend van honger tot klimaatverandering en zoetwater problemen tot biodiversiteit. De vier onderzochte scenario's zijn Markets First, Policy First, Security First, Sustainability First. In een analyse die dieper gaat dan het oorspronkelijke GEO-3 rapport kwantificeert dit Technisch Rapport de gevolgen van de vier scenario's voor alle 19 'sub-regio's', zoals Oost-Afrika of Centraal Europa. Deze gevolgen worden besproken in de context van duurzame ontwikkeling. Het rapport vergelijkt de gevolgen tussen de regio's en tussen de scenario's, waar mogelijk in het licht van de Millennium Development Goals. Het geeft een verantwoording van de analysemethoden zoals aannamen, modellen en de algehele aanpak. Zaten alle centra die aan het rapport hebben bijgedragen wel op hetzelfde spoor? Heeft de gevolgde aanpak bijgedragen aan het algemene doel van GEO, namelijk versterking van het GEO-netwerk en van de verbindingen tussen regionale en mondiale verkenningen

    De GEO-3 Scenario's 2002-2032 Quantificering en analyse van de milieugevolgen

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    Achtergrondrapport bij de Global Environment Outlook 3 van UNEP; ook gerelateerd aan Four Scenarios for Europe, RIVM 402001021De vier contrasterende toekomstbeelden die zijn gepresenteerd in de derde Global Environment Outlook (GEO-3) houden grote verschillen in voor de beleidsopgaven van de komende dertig jaar - varierend van honger tot klimaatverandering en zoetwater problemen tot biodiversiteit. De vier onderzochte scenario's zijn Markets First, Policy First, Security First, Sustainability First. In een analyse die dieper gaat dan het oorspronkelijke GEO-3 rapport kwantificeert dit Technisch Rapport de gevolgen van de vier scenario's voor alle 19 'sub-regio's', zoals Oost-Afrika of Centraal Europa. Deze gevolgen worden besproken in de context van duurzame ontwikkeling. Het rapport vergelijkt de gevolgen tussen de regio's en tussen de scenario's, waar mogelijk in het licht van de Millennium Development Goals. Het geeft een verantwoording van de analysemethoden zoals aannamen, modellen en de algehele aanpak. Zaten alle centra die aan het rapport hebben bijgedragen wel op hetzelfde spoor? Heeft de gevolgde aanpak bijgedragen aan het algemene doel van GEO, namelijk versterking van het GEO-netwerk en van de verbindingen tussen regionale en mondiale verkenningen?The four contrasting visions of the world's next three decades as presented in the third Global Environment Outlook (GEO-3) have many implications for policy - from hunger to climate change and from freshwater issues to biodiversity. The four scenarios analysed are Markets First, Policy First, Security First, Sustainability First. Presenting a deeper analysis than the original GEO-3 report, this Technical Report quantifies the impacts of the scenarios for all 19 GEO 'sub-regions', such as Eastern Africa and Central Europe. Regional impacts are discussed in the context of sustainable development. The report summary compares the impacts of the four scenarios across regions - and for the world as a whole - in the light of internationally agreed targets including those in the Millennium Declaration where applicable. It provides an account of the analytical methods, key assumptions, models and other tools, along with the approaches used in the analyses. Based on the methods and results, the report looks back on the process of producing the forward-looking analysis for GEO-3. Were all analytical centres on the same track? Did the approach adopted for GEO-3 contribute to the overall GEO objective of strengthening global-regional involvement and linkages?VROM UNE